MMRANCH - Home of the Polled Mountain Goat!

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Welcome to my site. I am ‘ObieGoat’

How we started raising goats.

No unpleasant horn removal to deal with.

No horns to hurt other goats or people with.

Good fine-flavor, slightly sweet milk.

Hardy and can tolerate extremes of heat or cold.

Quiet, alert, smart with gentle temperament.

They have wonderful, inquisitive personalities.

The Oberhasli-Brienzer mountain goat

Our adventure with goats started when we

Polled goats and intersex. Many believed that polled to polled (P/P) breeding causes a high percentage of inter-sexed kids. I believe it has more to do with breeding closely related lines. Communication with several P/P breeders revealed no inter-sexed kids born. All have been raising goats for decades. One for 49 years, another for 40, another for 31 years and others that all have done many P/P breedings. without any intersex problems. Remember this breed was originally hornless!

purchased some land in the foothills of  the Cascade mountains outside of Springfield Oregon. The blackberry vines were everywhere and to spray the wines would also kill the trees. Goats were the natural answer. In 2011 we began acquiring goats .

The cheaper the goat the better or so I thought.


History of Oberhasli-Brienzer. The Chamoisee mountain goat is a mountain breed that can do just as well on the plain. Two types were bred.

Oberhasli-Brienzer, which is mainly hornless and the horned variety Bundner.

Breeding Plan. We will acquire polled bucks and semen from polled bucks as the base from which to create a herd of Brienzer type goats.

The semen will be use in a Timed Artificial Insemination (TAI) program with live cover follow up to breed horned (disbudded) American Oberhasli does.

Links to other sites: Great information, Clubs, Groups and suppliers that we find helpful.

This is the latest addition to our Brienzer breeding program was Purebred. Buckling MEADOWSONG A.G. PATRIOT born 7/4/2012 We raise Purebred Oberhasli and American Oberhasli dairy goats of the Oberhasli-Brienzer style. ObieGoat.comr Links History of Oberhasli Breeding Plan

Oberhasli Breeders of America

Oberhasli Goat Club

Oberhasli Talk - Yahoo Group

Polled Goat Genentic - Yahoo Group

Less Buck odor, A lot less!

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